In Athens, an international symposium was held on the anti-imperialist and anti-war struggle
In Athens, an international symposium was held on the anti-imperialist and anti-war struggle The international conference on anti-imperialism and...
In Athens, an international symposium was held on the anti-imperialist and anti-war struggle The international conference on anti-imperialism and...
Actions done in Norway for the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL) We hereby share a video published by Tjen Folket Media (TFM) on actions...
Over 100 euros gathered in successful Cultural Stand on University Campus! A successfulcultural stand for the Palestinian people and the oppressed was...
Germany – LLL Demo 2025 in Berlin highlighted the AIL front On 12 January 2025, the annual demonstration took...
On 11 January, the Antiimperialist League was presented in Berlin. In order to unite the struggles of the oppressed...
The Current of the People – Red Sun organised a political-cultural event to commemorate its founding day and the 131st...
AGEB and ADHK organised a joint symposium in Zurich On Sunday, 22 December, a symposium was held in Zurich under...
Anti-imperialists of the world, unite! Report on anti-imperialist work done in Colombia Fraternal and internationalist greetings! From Colombia, as...
We are in consistent line of the Anti-Imperialist League against the enemies of democracy Our general assessment that the struggle...
Antiimperialist events continue in Europe continue On Sunday the 01 December, an event took place in Innsbruck, Austria, under the...