On 11 January, the Antiimperialist League was presented in Berlin.
In order to unite the struggles of the oppressed nations and peoples against imperialism in the line of the proletariat and to coordinate them in the spirit of internationalism, meetings were held in Leipzig, Hamburg, Cologne and Stuttgart to promote the AIL (Antiimperialist League).
The meeting was attended by revolutionaries who had come to Berlin from various European countries to take part in the LLL demonstration on 12 January. The meeting was attended by a large number of revolutionaries from Finland, Poland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.
The opening session began with a minute of silence in memory of those who made themselves immortal in the resistance against imperialism and in the struggle for revolution and socialism.
The speeches held in German by Partizan and Roter Bund were also translated into English.
The speeches contained a brief political analysis of the process in which we find ourselves, a reference to the revolutionary tasks in the face of imperialist wars, quoting the revolutionary doctrine of civil war of Lenin and Liebkneck ‘The main enemy of every people is in their own country!’
Information was provided about the aims of the AIL and the preparations for the founding congress. Examples were given of the different political orientations and differences between the AIL and other antiimperialist organisations. Attention was drawn to the different approaches of the ICOR and the AIL to the Palestinian resistance and the people’s war in India, as well as to the differences in political line. It was stated that the AIL is an open platform for all revolutionary structures and individuals, and it was called upon to participate and fight together against imperialism in order to broaden the revolutionary struggle.
There was also a 20-minute film showing images and actions in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance around the world, as well as excerpts from the struggles of the four countries (Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador and Turkey) that called for the founding of the AIL.
After the end of the presentations, questions from the audience were answered and the meeting ended successfully with the slogans ‘Long live international solidarity!’ and ‘Lenin, Liebknecht, Luxemburg live in our struggle!’
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